When you’re translating your website, efficiency is everything.

To keep your website localization projects efficient and cost-effective, take advantage of the power of translation memory to eliminate duplicate effort. This gets you in-market faster, and can eliminate effort and costs.

In this e-book, you’ll learn all about this handy technology, including:

  • What translation memory is
  • Why it’s such a useful tool for translations
  • How duplicate translation increases costs
  • The advantages of using translation memory over time

You’ll also learn a how great vendors integrate translation memory into a turn-key process that aligns with your budget and business goals.

Download this ebook containing:

• An overview of translation memory technology

• Examples of how translation memory works in practice

• The 3 key benefits of using translation memory

Remember: You can make the most of your website translation investment by leveraging translation memory to save time and money.

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