Технология перевода

Серия "Основы (101)": главное, что нужно знать о переводе веб-сайтов, поставщиках и тенденциях

Изучите основы перевода веб-сайтов и то, как лучшие компании могут взять на себя всю сложность таких проектов, максимально сократив ваши расходы.

Фотография Доминика Дитурбайда
Доминик Дитурбайд

13 февраля 2018 г.


Evaluating web translation solutions isn't easy. Vendors must be fluent in languages and digital technologies … and they must be experts in global SEO, multimedia and design, UX and more.

Vendors that can do all that are a rare breed indeed. But they do exist. Learn more about website translation—and about how the best vendors make this traditionally complicated, costly process effortless for you—in these 10 blog posts:

Is Your Translation Vendor Digital Ready?

Traditional translation agencies often choke on the unique user expectations and technical demands of website translation. Learn why digital-first agencies are a smarter bet to localize your website in this post.

7 Smart Ways to Choose the Right Website Translation Partner

Website translation vendors talk a big game, but only a few can deliver on their promises. Learn how to properly vet a vendor—and the warning signs that someone is selling you an undercooked solution—in this post.

7 типичных ошибок и лучшие примеры перевода веб-сайтов

Most companies often don’t understand the tricky minefield that website translation can represent … until it’s too late. Discover how to avoid the common missteps, and make the right decisions, in this post.

Жажда скорости в переводе веб-сайта

Can your translation agency keep up with your online business? If their error-prone, pokey processes are delaying the publication of your translated content, that’s bad for your brand. Learn how to sidestep those issues in this post.

The Difference Translation and Localization and Why You Need Both

Word-for-word translations are great, but nothing persuades customers like authentic, regionally-relevant localizations. Learn more about localizations, and how they can boost your global business performance, in this post.

Website Translation and the Ease and Benefits of the Proxy Approach

There are a few ways to localize your website, but only one is flexible, efficient and scalable enough to accommodate sites of all sizes, powered by any kind of technology. Learn about the proxy-based approach to web translation in this post.

3 способа, благодаря которым MotionPoint увеличивает коэффициент обращаемости посетителей локализированных веб-сайтов

MotionPoint’s solution optimizes your localized sites’ UX and SEO in ways that gain customer trust, and generate superior business results. Check out this post to discover how our approach improves the customer experience, and conversions.

Как MotionPoint справляется с локализацией и индивидуальной адаптацией

If you already know the difference between simple translation and more nuanced localizations, it’s time to level-up your knowledge. Discover how MotionPoint’s localization approach improves traffic, engagement and more. It’s all in this post.

Как MotionPoint снижает сложность для клиентов

In-house website translation projects usually fail due to technical and operational challenges. Learn about how MotionPoint eliminates that complexity and cost, and dramatically reduces your effort, in this post.

Создание переводческих команд, которым вы можете доверять

Finding a vendor that create great translation teams is harder than you think. Hiring in-house staff to manage translation is even harder. This post shares how MotionPoint builds translation teams that are perfectly matched for your needs.

Последнее обновление: 13 февраля 2018 г.
Фотография Доминика Дитурбайда

О Доминике Дитурбайде

Доминик Дитурбайд является креативным и целенаправленным руководителем отдела маркетинга, который посвятил свою карьеру сфере перевода. Г-н Дитурбайд использует свои знания и опыт при работе над вопросами глобального маркетинга, формирования спроса и стратегий выхода на рынок в составе команды MotionPoint по маркетингу.

Фотография Доминика Дитурбайда
Доминик Дитурбайд

Менеджер по маркетингу